Giving an outdoors company access to authentic remote locations

Go Take A Hike

As Core Equipment Co’s product line expanded, so did a need for authentic lifestyle content of their outdoors gear in action. But with narrowing target demos and internal production based in city centers, it was becoming hard to hit all the geographically distinct locales their customers frequented.

As Core Equipment Co’s product line expanded, so did a need for authentic lifestyle content of their outdoors gear in action. But with narrowing target demos and internal production based in city centers, it was becoming hard to hit all the geographically distinct locales their customers frequented.

Go Take A Hike

Friends In
Wild Places

After a brief aesthetic calibration we quickly assembled Core their own network of on-demand outdoor lifestyle freelancers from across North America. Combined with a selection of flat-rated video and photo project formats the team could now:

  • Add localized content to activations
  • Shoot in iconic national parks
  • Increase output volume 
  • Get unique shots of remote spaces

After a brief aesthetic calibration we quickly assembled Core their own network of on-demand outdoor lifestyle freelancers from across North America. Combined with a selection of flat-rated video and photo project formats the team could now:

  • Add localized content to activations
  • Shoot in iconic national parks
  • Increase output volume 
  • Get unique shots of remote spaces

Friends In Wild Places


Sporadic, &

The key to building Core something they could fully take advantage of was making sure that the production matched the flexibility and freedom of real camping. Designing around scenarios rather than shot-lists, leaving room for creative interpretation across talent and activities, the inability to fully scout a location until you are on-site – all things that keep each shoot creatively straightforward, quick to execute, and naturally authentic. 

Avg. Scope and Outputs (per shoot):
25 photos / 40+ clip library / 30s edited final
3-4 talent (all demos), up to 2 feature SKUS & 3 accessory SKUs, anywhere in NA, 3-4 week turnaround + raw footage

Creative Formulas

We streamlined all creative inputs down to SKU + WHO + WHERE to let the team to brief rapidly alongside a standard brand shot list and flexible scenario templates guided by locale/demo.

Removing Risk

A lot can happen in the woods. Remote locations are unpredictable, weather can change fast, and we know sometimes freelancers can just miss the mark! Core was able to ensure every shoot netted outputs they could use with free reshoot insurance against every production.

New Rules

Experienced outdoors enthusiasts know that every trip is a learning experience. With our iterative briefing framework, we were able to add brand-specific production tricks and tips into subsequent projects and refine Core's shoots.

What A Trip

Structured to be 'send-away' assignments, our photoshoots were actual camping adventures - allowing for sunrise to sunset coverage of stunning wilderness and unique moments that just can't be captured during an office-hours photoshoot.

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